Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The News

I was watching the news this morning and I really do not like it. Yes it is informational and yes it does tell me the weather but it is so depressing. Its like every single time I do get to watch the news it is always about something bad that happened. If it is not about someone getting killed it would be about some disease spreading around or something. I really think that the news should speak about the good things more often. It sometimes looks like these news reporters are so used to talking about deaths that when they say it on tv its like they think its nothing. They would say something like only two people died like that is okay. When these bad things happen they do not only play it on the news once they play it over and over again and that gets very annoying. The little bit of good things that they play gets shown about one or two times then its back to all the bad things. Instead of showing all these crimes all the time influencing people to do more crimes, they should find a way to get the number of crimes to go down. I think they should schedule when they play the bad news. In the morning the good news should play to keep people in a happy mood before they leave the house then around 5 they can play the negative stuff.I know if it was that way I would watch the news more often.


  1. I really liked your position on how you feel about the news and I understand where your coming from. However, unfortunately there are always more bad things happening in the world than good. So that might be one reason why they focus so much on the bad things. The world needs a change!

  2. I agree with you i feel the same way about the news and i also think that it aalso be very depressing thing to watch all the time

  3. Have you ever considered any action you might take to try to change this?
