Wednesday, March 11, 2015


In school so far it seems like we have been doing a lot of work lately. In Ms. Tomlin's class we are making a business and my group and I decided to make a restaurant. This project really showed me how much it takes to open a business and how much money it cost. I never realized that each business have to go through everything that we are doing in this project. Millions of dollars get spent for a businesses to thrive. I wonder how they get so much money to open up their own businesses and how long it takes to make a profit. In my project, since we are opening up a restaurant there are many things that need to be bought to have the business operating. Now as a customer I do not think I would ever complain about the prices that businesses sell their products for. Now I understand their reasoning for doing so. I don't think I would open my own business in the future. I really had my mind set on opening my own hair salon but this project is really making me change my mind. I am getting a little discouraged.In Bartoli class we were looking at fibers through microscopes and I hated it. I was so hard to find the little fibers. I don't think science would be the right major for me in college.

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